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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Corporations List is suitable for applications including those brought under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth), and the Cross-Border Insolvency Act 2008 (Cth).

Proceedings managed in this list include shareholder disputes including shareholder oppression proceedings, claims concerning directors' duties, winding up applications, applications by liquidators concerning companies in liquidation, applications to set aside statutory demands and applications to reinstate companies.

Judges in charge

The Honourable Justice Connock

The Honourable Justice Matthews

Judges, Associate Judges and Judicial Registrars manage matters within the Corporations List. They are:


  • The Honourable Justice Connock
  • The Honourable Justice Delany
  • The Honourable Justice Matthews

Associate judges

  • The Honourable Associate Justice Gardiner
  • The Honourable Associate Justice Hetyey
  • The Honourable Associate Justice Irving
  • The Honourable Associate Justice Steffensen
  • The Honourable Associate Justice Barrett
  • The Honourable Associate Justice Gobbo
  • The Honourable Associate Justice Efthim (Reserve Associate Judge)

Judicial registrars

  • Judicial Registrar Woronczak
  • Judicial Registrar Caporale
  • Judicial Registrar Gitsham

There are often time sensitivities regarding applications to set aside statutory demands under s459G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). To assist with the prompt processing of these applications, please ensure you have contacted the Commercial Court Registry on (03) 8600 2002 to obtain a hearing date prior to filing. These details must be endorsed in your Originating Process.

You are then required to prepare the following documents:

  • Originating Process (Form 2) - refer to the Supreme Court (Corporations) Rules 2023 (Vic).
  • A copy of the statutory demand (this can be attached to the Originating Process or as an exhibit to the Affidavit).
  • Affidavit in support.
  • ASIC Search (extracted no more than 7 days prior to filing).

Omitting any of the above documentation can result in processing delays.

This information provided is a guide only. Changes to set aside application requirements may be made from time to time and it is incumbent upon practitioners to ensure that all documents are prepared in accordance with all legislative or other requirements

The Corporations – Winding Up in Insolvency List (‘Winding Up List’)  deals with the applications to wind up companies in insolvency and have a liquidator appointed on the grounds the company has failed to comply with a statutory demand (s 459F of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) issued under s 459E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Read more about the Winding Up List

The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act) stipulates the relevant steps and notice periods in seeking approval of a scheme of arrangement by the Court, with the relevant steps being:

  • First hearing by a Judge - being the application to convene a scheme meeting pursuant to s 411 of the Act;
  • Associate Judge hearing - pursuant to rule 16.6 of the Chapter V Rules; and
  • Second hearing by a Judge - being the application to approve the scheme pursuant to s 411 of the Act.

Practitioners are asked to contact an Assistant Registrar in the Commercial Court Registry in advance of filing to arrange the listings. Please see below for contact details.

Once all hearings have been arranged, the Commercial Court Registry will email you to confirm the listing details and you may proceed to file the Originating Process on RedCrest. Please serve a copy of the email with the Originating Process.

An operation or project name may be used in communications with the Court up until the point of filing when the applicant corporation will necessarily be identified.

Enquiries regarding Corporations List proceedings should be directed to the Commercial Court Registry.

Phone: 03 8600 2002
Email:  pbzzrepvnypbheg@fhcerzrpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocemerpus@truoclaicremmoc

For more information see judicial support contacts.