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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Supreme Court of Victoria

The main entrance to the Supreme Court of Victoria (210 Williams St) is open from 8.30am to 6pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30am to 5pm on Fridays.

All other entrances, including 485 Lonsdale St (Trial Division), 455 Lonsdale St (Court of Appeal) and 450 Lt Bourke St (Old High Court) open from 9am-5pm. 

Supreme Court Registry: Opening Hours

For general enquiries, or to make an appointment with the Supreme Court Registry, contact (03) 8600 2000 from 8:30am to 5:00pm on business days. The registry counter is open from 9:30am to 4:00pm.

The Supreme Court hears cases across Melbourne’s CBD and in 12 locations in regional Victoria. You can reach registries, chambers and administrative areas via the contact details on this page.  

Judicial support contacts   Locations   Use of Court facilities  Complaints process


450 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Opening hours

9.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday
excluding public holidays


Phone: 03 8600 2006
9:30am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays


Email:  cebongr@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@etaborp
Probate Online Advertising System:  cbnf@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@saop

Postal address

Probate Office
Supreme Court of Victoria
P. O. Box 13331
Law Courts Victoria 8010


450 Little Bourke Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000

General enquiries

Phone: 03 8600 2000
Email: cevapvcnyertvfgel@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@yrtsigerlapicnirp

Fax: 1300 040 223

Opening hours

9.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday
excluding public holidays 

Postal address

Principal Registry
Supreme Court of Victoria
210 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000


Phone: 03 8600 2003
Email:  nqzvffvbaf@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@snoissimda

Court 2 Associate Judge applications

Phone: 03 8600 2155
Email:  pbheg2nccyvpngvbaf@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@snoitacilppa2truoc

Costs Court listings

Phone: 03 8600 2155
Fax: 1300 040 223
Email:  pbfgf.pbheg@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@truoc.stsoc

Default judgments and warrants

Phone: 03 8600 2003
Email:  cevapvcnyertvfgel@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@yrtsigerlapicnirp

Divorce files

Phone: 03 8600 2003
Email:  qvibepr.radhvevrf@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@seiriuqne.ecrovid


Phone: 03 8600 2003
Email:  cevapvcnyertvfgel@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@yrtsigerlapicnirp

File searches

Phone: 03 8600 2003
Email:  cevapvcnyertvfgel@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@yrtsigerlapicnirp

Foreign service

Phone: 03 8600 2003
Email:  cevapvcnyertvfgel@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@yrtsigerlapicnirp

Mediations listings

Phone: 03 8600 2120
Email: NQEPrager@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@ertneCRDA


Phone: 03 8600 2003
Email:  beqref@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@sredro

Order 41 and Order 81 examinations

Phone: 03 8600 2094
Email:  cevapvcnyertvfgel@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@yrtsigerlapicnirp

Practice Court listings and hearings

Phone: 03 8600 2036
Email:  cenpgvpr.pbheg@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@truoc.ecitcarp

Pre-trial conferences

Phone: 03 8600 2003
Email: cgp@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@ctp

Self-represented litigants

Phone: 03 8600 2031
Email:  haercerfragrq@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@detneserpernu

Special needs assistance

For enquiries about accessing the Court for people with special needs, contact:  ynhera.inyynqnerf@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@seradallav.nerual angnfun.ehffb@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@ossur.ahsatan  or  funebxvar.unqqnq@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@daddah.enikorahs


Phone: 03 8600 2038
Email:  fhocbranf@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@saneopbus

Video links

Phone: 03 8600 2003
Email:  ivqrbyvax@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@kniloediv

General enquiries

Phone: 03 8600 2000
Email: cevapvcnyertvfgel@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@yrtsigerlapicnirp


Ground floor, 450 Little Bourke Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000

General enquiries

Phone: 03 8600 2002
Email:  pbzzrepvnypbheg@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@truoclaicremmoc

Opening hours

9.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday
excluding public holidays

Postal address

Commercial Court Registry
Supreme Court of Victoria
210 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000


450 Little Bourke Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000

General enquiries

Phone: 03 8600 2059
Email: pevzvanyqvivfvba@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@noisividlanimirc

Opening hours

9.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays

Postal address

Criminal Registry
Supreme Court of Victoria
210 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000


450 Little Bourke Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000

General enquiries

Phone: 03 8600 2001
Email:  pbnertvfgel@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@yrtsigeraoc

Opening hours

9.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays

Postal address

Court of Appeal Registry
Supreme Court of Victoria
210 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000


210 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000

Postal address

210 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000


Michael Carroll
Chief Executive Officer
Email: PRB-bssvpr@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@eciffo-OEC


For all media queries, including issues relating to court reporting, suppression orders and judges' sentencing remarks, contact 



Media and Public Affairs

Media Advisers
- 03 8600 2088 and 0418 201 296; or
- 03 8600 2210 and 0427 791 891; or
- 0417 267 430


Level 5, 469 La Trobe Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000

General enquiries

Phone: 1300 039 390
Fax: 1300 039 388
Email: erdhrfgf@shaqfvapbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocnisdnuf@stseuqer

Postal address

Funds in Court
Supreme Court of Victoria
210 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000


Ground floor, County Court building
250 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000

General enquiries

Phone: 03 8636 6800  
E-mail:  vasb@whevrf.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.seiruj@ofni
Fax: 03 8636 6830

Postal address

Juries Victoria
250 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000


Supreme Court Library
210 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000

General enquiries

Phone: 03 8600 2009
E-mail:  vasb@whevrf.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.seiruj@ofni
Visit the Law Library Victoria website

Opening hours

Supreme Court Library and online support:

8.30am - 6pm Monday-Thursday
8:30am - 5pm Friday