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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

RedCrest is the Supreme Court of Victoria’s eFiling platform.

A Guide to RedCrest: Court of Appeal

Since 30 September 2019, parties have been required to file documents in all criminal and civil Court of Appeal matters via RedCrest, rather than email.

Registering for e-Filing

If you are already registered, you can continue using your current login details.

You can register for RedCrest as an individual or with a company/firm name. Every individual wishing to file a document in RedCrest is required to register and create a unique login.

The name of the law firm, however, should be entered into the ‘Organisation’ field (if applicable).

Bar Number Field

The bar number field in RedCrest is not mandatory; an individual/firm can register and file without one.

Email Confirmation and Notifications 

You should receive your confirmation email shortly after registering. If you have not received the confirmation email, please check your spam or junk folder before contacting the erqperfg@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@tsercder . You can add alternative email addresses to your account profile. Please note this means the alternate email address will receive a copy of each eFile Submitted, Rejected and Accepted email.

An alternative is to set an email rule on your inbox to copy any notifications to other relevant people.

Case Access: Multiple Users and Manager Changes

The individual who is the case manager can request that ‘Enhanced Case Access’ be given to others in the firm. The case manager should email the Court of Appeal registry, including the case number and list of individuals with email addresses. If the case manager needs to be changed, please contact the erqperfg@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@tsercder .

Lodging Documents

Case Number Searches

Matters in the system are searched using the case number, rather than by name.

Documents that cannot be filed in RedCrest

Correspondence and proposed consent orders should not be provided via RedCrest and must be sent by email. In civil proceedings, parties should not eFile appeal/application books or combined folders of authorities via RedCrest and should instead file those in accordance with directions given by the Court. The Court may also direct parties to file documents in a manner other than via RedCrest if considered appropriate in the circumstances.

Posting Documents

Unless otherwise excluded, all documents must be electronically filed through RedCrest and will not be accepted by email or post.

Urgent documents

As is current practice, please call the Court of Appeal Registry if you have documents to be eFiled urgently.

Document Format and Maximum Size

All documents lodged via RedCrest must be in a text searchable PDF format. If a document, you want to lodge is larger than 24MB you may split the PDF into up to three smaller files and upload them as separate attachments that will be joined together when approved. Please note they must be filed under the same ‘Document Type’.

See the RedCrest user guide for instructions.

Filing Note Box – Lodgement page

If you need to communicate something to registry staff reviewing the filling use the ‘Filing Note’ box on the document lodgement page. You can leave a note for the reviewer there. If your filing is urgent, please contact the Court of Appeal registry by phone.

Sealed Documents

All documents accepted for filing will be marked with a seal that appears on printed versions.

Rejected Documents

The reasons for a particular document not being accepted for filing will be written in the ‘Reviewer Comments’ section, within the filed item in RedCrest.

Lodging confidential documents

Yes, please contact the Court of Appeal Registry before attempting to eFile any confidential documents or matters.

Accessing and viewing files

Only documents eFiled from 30 September 2019 will be visible in RedCrest.

Notifications: new documents eFiled on relevant case/s

You will be notified when your own documents have been accepted or rejected for filing. You will not be notified by the system when another party has lodged documents. Parties are expected to continue to serve documents in accordance with Court rules and orders.

Viewing other parties documents 

For Court of Appeal matters initiated on 30 September 2019 and beyond, parties will be able to view selected documents under the ‘Cases’ tab in RedCrest. Orders will be visible to all parties. Should you wish to view a document filed by another party which is not available on the Case Page, you will need to contact the relevant party.

Enhanced Case Access

If you need to see files you don’t have access to, you can request ‘Enhanced Case Access.’ Access will only be given to parties or their legal representatives. For information on how to request this access, please see the RedCrest User Guide. When initiating a proceeding, Enhanced Case Access is automatically granted to the solicitor responsible for the conduct of the proceeding. Otherwise, ‘Enhanced Case Access’ must be sought for every case individually.

Any request for Enhanced Case Access must be made via email/writing to the Court of Appeal Registry.

Filing documents separately for multiple proceedings

Parties are required to file documents on each relevant case number, even if the document is the same.

Adding Secondary Contact Email Address For (CC) Notifications

You can add a secondary contact to an account or, alternatively, create a message rule on your own inbox to copy another email address.