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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Are you part of a school group planning to attend the Supreme Court?

If you are planning to visit the Court, it’s important to be mindful of courtroom etiquette and protocol when attending hearings.

The Court provides the following advice to groups who want to observe a hearing.

Public galleries at the Court

Each courtroom has a public gallery, usually located at the back of the courtroom, with seating. When you visit the Court, consider the size of your group and courtroom capacity limits, as the amount of available seating in a courtroom varies.

View of Gertie outside Supreme Court of Victoria

If you are part of a large school group, be prepared that you may need to split into smaller groups and visit different hearings because you may not all be able to get into one courtroom.

When visiting a courtroom students should always be supervised by teachers.

Courtroom etiquette and protocols

When students visit a courtroom, please observe the following protocols and courtroom etiquette:

  • Enter and leave quietly, and avoid talking during proceedings to avoid disrupting the hearing
  • Bow your head to the judge when you enter, and before you leave
  • Stand and bow your head when a judge enters or leaves the courtroom
  • Dress appropriately (no hats or sunglasses)
  • Eating is not permitted in the courtrooms
  • Turn off mobile phones and other electronic equipment

Most hearings are open to members of the public and will only be closed when there are special circumstances. If Court staff request that you leave a courtroom you must follow their guidance and leave when asked.

Court Education Program: Book a session onsite or online

Did you know the Court Education Program gives VCE Legal Studies students the opportunity to hear from a judge?

If you’d like to participate in a guided session run by the Court Education Program, you can book a session online.

The Court Education Program is for VCE Legal Studies students. It offers onsite sessions giving students the opportunity to meet with judges, explore courtrooms and observe courtroom proceedings.

The Education Program also provides digital sessions, giving students the opportunity to engage with judges and associates and observe some proceedings online.

If you are a VCE Legal Studies teacher and are interested in booking a session contact  rqhpngvba@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@noitacude  to join our list of Victorian schools that get access to the Court Education Program.

Get more info about the Court Education Program sessions

Learn more about the Court

Experience the Court yourself by watching our proceedings online via live stream or on demand. If you are visiting in person, check out the daily hearing list and learn about courtroom conduct.

Virtual Info Hub

The Court’s information hub provides insight into the work of the Court.
Explore the Court


Stream every episode of Gertie's Law, the Court's award-winning podcast series.
Listen to Gertie's Law