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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Terms of Use outline users' responsibilities when accessing Supreme Court footage.

  1. The Supreme Court of Victoria retains copyright in this footage.
  2. This footage is provided for the following reasons:

    a) To enable litigants and interested persons to view the proceedings.

    b) To assist media who are unable to personally attend judicial proceedings to fairly and
    accurately report on those proceedings.

    c) To allow schools, universities and legal training bodies to show judicial proceedings for educational purposes.
  3. By watching this footage you are agreeing:

    a) That you are not a prospective witness giving evidence in this trial.

    b) That if you are a witness giving evidence in this trial, your evidence is completed.

    c) Not to copy, store, edit, modify, broadcast, post or redistribute this footage without the prior written approval of the Supreme Court of Victoria.

    d) To include the attribution ©Supreme Court of Victoria with any link to this footage.

    e) To abide by any orders or directions made relating to the confidentiality and/or non-publication of the proceedings shown in this footage. If you do not, you should be aware that you may be subject to a legal action including for breach of copyright, or defamation or, potentially, contempt of court.