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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Hearings are subject to change, so please check the Daily Hearing List

The Court does not usually authenticate orders made at a directions hearing. Parties requiring an  should punzoref.pbavqv@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@idinoc.srebmahc to  Conidi by email after the directions hearing to request an authenticated order.

Please note: Temporary changes to the conduct of Court before  Conidi are in place. The same practice will continue to apply for future Directions until the Costs Court can return to hearings being in the courtroom.

Read the temporary changes on the Lawyer-Client Costs Disputes page.


A fee is payable for filing a  for Taxation unless you have a fee waiver. Additional fees are payable if you seek to file an application for leave to file a Summons for Taxation out of time.

Directions Hearing Dates in 2024

Directions hearing date cut-off date
6 February 2024 23 January 2024
5 March 2024 20 February 2024
3 April 2024 20 March 2024
7 May 2024 23 April 2024
4 June 2024 21 May 2024
2 July 2024 18 June 2024
6 August 2024 23 July 2024
3 September 2024 20 August 2024
1 October 2024 17 September 2024
6 November 2024  23 October 2024
3 December 2024 19 November 2024

2 July 2024 - New Matters for Taxation

The Costs Court Taxation Directions Hearing will be conducted on Tuesday 2 July 2024 before Judicial Registrar Conidi via Zoom. For the foreseeable future all Directions Hearings will be conducted using Zoom until the Costs Court can return Court listed hearings.

No. File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s)
1.  S ECI 2024 01527 Amanda Saunders FCW Lawyers Pty Ltd
2.  S ECI 2024 02422 Gladwin Legal Pty Mark Koronczyk
3.  S ECI 2024 02639 Purcell & Purcell Pty Ltd (ACN 666 320 823) Lance Austin Anderson and Julie Anne Anderson
4.  S ECI 2024 02715 Karen Jeanette Plasztan Stephen Michael John Byrne (In His Representative Capacity as Executor of the Will and Trustee of the Estate of Susanne Marta Cornes, Deceased)
5.  S ECI 2024 02757 Cornish Lawyers Pty Ltd t/as Cornish Family Lawyers (ABN 17 153 219 884) Adam Skinner
6.  S ECI 2024 02814 Neal Patrick Collin Darren Wesley Amos
7.  S ECI 2024 02815 Neal Patrick Collin Kerryn Leigh Weggelaar
8.  S ECI 2024 02853 Shine Lawyers Babette Martin
9.  S ECI 2024 02883 Michael John Telford formerly t/as Telford Story & Associates (ABN 11 147 754 372) Peter Richard Mann and Angela Maree Mann
10.  S ECI 2024 02981 Elysia Raphael AJH Legal Group Pty Ltd t/as AJH Lawyers (ABN 89 150 315 067)
11.  S ECI 2024 01542 Kingsford Lawyers Pty Ltd (ACN 627 608 379) Timothy Bolot and Robert Crawford
12.  S ECI 2024 02542 Slater and Gordon Spase Suleski
13.  S ECI 2024 02683 Cobolt Constructions Pty Ltd (ACN 152 992 115) Hall & Wilcox (a Firm) (ABN 58 041 376 885)
14.  S ECI 2024 02748 Tasha Northcott  BN Law Limited t/as Barry Nilsson (ACN 22 621 026 864)
15.  S ECI 2024 02786 Velos & Velos Lawyers Panayiota Theofanous (Sued as the Executor of the Will of Theodora Papavasiliou, Deceased)
16.  S ECI 2024 02830 Mills Oakley (ABN 51 493 069 734) Christopher Case
17.  S ECI 2024 02882 Maurice Blackburn Lawyers Natalie Ingram
18.  S ECI 2024 02931 Ming (Jessie) Yuan Sam Gayed and Nardine Elzahaby
19.  S ECI 2024 03115 O'Brien & Smith Lawyers Pty Ltd as Trustee for O'Brien & Smith Lawyers Unit Trust Veronica Josephine Pinney


Late entries

No. File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s)

Part B: Adjournments, mentions and other matters

No. File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s)