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Guides and information to assist with court processes in the Supreme Court of Victoria

Help with Court processes

We have produced a number of guides that help explain court processes in appeals, judicial reviews, and civil proceedings. In this section you will find information about what to do at each stage, what forms you need to complete, what documents you need to provide, court fees, costs that apply and where to get more information and support.

Representing yourself

Representing yourself in court is a big consideration. Seeking legal advice is always helpful to understand the process and could potentially save you time and money. 

Key factors to consider in representing yourself are: 

  • whether you have the resources and time
  • can you speak confidently and to the point with legal staff, including judicial officers
  • do you have the required understanding of the legal skills for the matter.

Legal assistance is not only provided through representation. There are many free and low cost legal services that can provide assistance to draft documents, give you advice, and guide you on a likely outcome/prospects of success and the potential costs

Court staff can only assist you with questions about court forms and the court process; they cannot give you legal advice.

There are a range of resources available to assist self-represented litigants including a list of frequently asked questions. See Representing yourself.

Appeals are heard in the Trial Division of the Supreme Court or in the Court of Appeal, depending on who made the original decision.

We have guides for how to represent yourself in court if you want to review or appeal a decision, request a judicial review or if you would like to request a review of your solicitor’s bill.

View the guides - Appeal or Review a Decision.

This guide offers you information on how to start a new civil proceeding in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

If you wish to appeal or review a decision made by another court or VCAT please see the 'Appeal or Review a Decision' section below.

View the guide - Start a civil proceeding.

This guide offers you information on how to defend a civil proceeding in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

If you wish to respond to an appeal or review of a decision made by another court or VCAT please see the 'Appeal or Review a Decision' section above.

View the guide - Defend a civil proceeding.

A guide is available to assist court users when requesting a review of their solicitor's bill in the Costs Court.

Prepare an affidavit

An affidavit is a formal written statement, which sets out facts known to you. You must sign it under oath or affirmation, which is you saying that the information is true.  

Guidance is available to help with preparing an affidavit.

RedCrest: Filing documents with the Court

To file documents at the Supreme Court you will need to use RedCrest, the Court's eFiling platform. RedCrest is used for matters across the Court of , Common Law Division, Criminal Division,  Court and Commercial Court.

Register for a RedCrest account to get started. Information and user guides are available in the RedCrest Hub to help Court users access and file documents with the Court. 

The Court has a separate eFiling system for Probate matters. Information and user guides on RedCrest-Probate are available to help Court users access and file Probate documents with the Court.