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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Video guides on using the Court's RedCrest service and general processes. 

On this page:

The Supreme Court provides detailed guides on how to use its online filing systems, RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate

These videos provide guidance for using the Court’s online filing system and you can learn how to create new cases, and submit forms, and applications. You can also get general assistance with Court processes for hearings, claims, mediation and appeals. 

These videos may also be helpful to a person looking to self-represent their case in Court

RedCrest e-Filing videos

RedCrest is used for matters across the Court of , Common Law Division, Criminal Division,  Court and for all Commercial Court matters.

The Court has a separate RedCrest eFiling system for Probate matters. 

Create a new account

Learn how to create your RedCrest eFiling account.


Learn how to file a search request and what payment methods are available.

Create a New Case Request

Learn how to create a new case request using the RedCrest eFiling portal.

Create a Subsequent Filing

Learn what a subsequent filing is and how it can be submitted using the RedCrest.

RedCrest - Probate e-Filing videos

Applications for grants of representation are made in RedCrest-Probate. The videos on this page explain how to create a RedCrest-Probate account, file documents and pay for an application.

Create an account

Learn how to create an account in RedCrest-Probate and complete an application for a grant of representation.

Complete and pay for your application

Learn how to complete and pay for an application in RedCrest-Probate.

Filing further documents

Learn about filing further documents in RedCrest-Probate.

Filing a new application

Learn how to file a new application in RedCrest-Probate.


The Supreme Court has created various guides for you to use throughout the legal process.

Each video guide details what forms you need, which part of the Court hears your type of case, Court fees and where to get more information and assistance.

Preparing for a hearing

Learn how to prepare for a hearing in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Attending Court

Learn what to expect on the day of your hearing.

Mediation process

Learn about the mediation process, the role of mediators, and how to prepare.

Preparing a Statement of Claim

Learn how to prepare and complete a Statement of Claim.

Grounds of Appeal

Learn how to prepare your appeal of a court or tribunal decision.

Request a review of a solicitor's bill

Learn how to request a review of a solicitor's bill.


The Court has developed a range of resources for self-represented litigants including guides for starting civil proceedings, appeals and a list of resources to find legal reference material.

See Help with Court processes.