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The Supreme Court of Victoria congratulates the recipients of this year’s Supreme Court Prize.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

The Supreme Court of Victoria congratulates the recipients of this year’s Supreme Court Prize.

The Prize, first awarded in 1864, honours the top student at each of Victoria’s eight law schools. The Court also awarded two Exhibition Prizes for the best honours thesis.

Supreme Court Prize Winners 2021:

  • Priyanka Banerjee, University of Melbourne
  • Tara Burnett, RMIT
  • Ivanna Cheng, Deakin University
  • Danielle Chiaverini, La Trobe University
  • Dylan William Harrison, Victoria University
  • Ryan Hill, Swinburne University
  • Monique Kotevski, Australian Catholic University
  • Myles Tracy, La Trobe University
  • Anna Wotherspoon, Monash University

Supreme Court Exhibition Prize Winners 2021:

  • Samuel Connop, La Trobe University
  • Cassandra Holford, Monash University

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Anne Ferguson, herself a former Supreme Court Prize recipient, commended the state’s top law graduates.

“The final year of study is always the most challenging. The class of 2020 have faced more than obstacles than most and should be commended for their determination and resilience,” Chief Justice Ferguson said.

“The profession adapted incredibly well to virtual hearings last year, so graduating students should be well placed to hit the ground running in this increasingly technology-driven legal world.

“I hope our Prize recipients and all graduates celebrate this milestone, alongside those in their educational institutions and social groups who inspired and helped them achieve it.”

Supreme Court Media Contact:

Anthea Cannon, Media Advisor
zrqvn@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@aidem or 0427 791 891

Supreme Court of Victoria
Supreme Court of Victoria
Date of publication