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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

The following update is from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Chair of Courts Council, Anne Ferguson, on behalf of the Victorian courts and VCAT.

Chief Justice Anne Ferguson said the Victorian courts and VCAT will gradually adjust operations in line with the easing of COVID-19 (coronavirus) restrictions from 28 July 2021.

A mixture of in-person and remote hearings will continue in the courts.

Density limits will apply in court buildings other than spaces being used for jury trials, so remote hearings will play an ongoing and important role in continuing to hear matters.

Masks will be required to be worn in court buildings subject to exemptions.

New jury trials will resume from Thursday, 29 July, 2021. Trials that had to be vacated during the restrictions will be re-listed as soon as possible.

“The adaptability of all those who contribute to the operations of the Courts and VCAT each and every day has enabled us to continue hearing matters for the benefit of the Victorian community,” Chief Justice Ferguson said.

“We are deeply grateful for that support as we continue to navigate this pandemic.”

Please check the websites of each jurisdiction for jurisdiction-specific changes.

Read the Supreme Court's operational update

Published on 28 July 2021