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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

The following update is from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Chair of Courts Council, Anne Ferguson, on behalf of the Victorian courts and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

Friday, 19 November 2021

The Courts and VCAT will gradually adjust their operations in line with the removal of a number of COVID-19 restrictions.

Changes will be implemented progressively, and COVID-Safe plans will remain in place. Masks will still be required indoors in publicly accessible areas of court and tribunal buildings, and QR recording systems remain in place at security screening areas.

The Courts and VCAT will take a considered approach to any adjustments, with an emphasis on drawing on the lessons learnt and considering what changes might have a permanent place in the future.  Each jurisdiction will adjust their operations and hearing processes as appropriate.

We wish to thank all our Court users, judicial officers, and staff for the way they have responded to the changes that have come about since the onset of the pandemic in March 2020. 

We have worked closely with the legal profession and justice agencies to continue providing the community with access to justice, while meeting our public health responsibilities.  That has not always been straightforward, but we are very grateful for the patience, cooperation, and resilience of all who work for and with us.

Please check the websites of each jurisdiction for jurisdiction-specific changes.

Read more news from the Supreme Court


Published on 19 November 2021