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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Court is adjusting its operations in response to changes in community circumstances and the significant and continual improvement in COVID infection numbers.

The Notice to Profession sets out the broad parameters for in-person and remote hearings and continues to apply.


If your role requires you to attend Court and you:

  • Feel unwell or have symptoms of COVID-19, however mild; or
  • Have tested positive for COVID-19; or
  • Have been exposed to a positive case (i.e., 15 minutes face to face contact or a household member tests positive);

do not attend at Court without first seeking permission.

Please contact the chambers of the presiding judicial officer or the Registry Services team on cevapvcnyertvfgel@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@yrtsigerlapicnirp or 03 8600 2000.

If you are not required to attend Court and you:

  • Feel unwell or have symptoms of COVID-19, however mild; or
  • Have tested positive for COVID-19; or
  • Have been exposed to a positive case (i.e., 15 minutes face to face contact or a household member tests positive);

do not attend at Court.

Options may be available to view proceedings remotely. Some hearings are available for public viewing via live streaming and inquiries about remote access to other hearings can be directed to the chambers of the presiding judicial officer. 

Rapid antigen testing may be used in certain circumstances. Permission to attend for someone who is symptomatic or has been exposed to COVID-19 is dependent on necessity and a confirmation of a negative test result. Additional precautionary testing may be required for some proceedings. When required, arrangements will be communicated to the parties in advance by Registry or Chambers and tests will be made available for this purpose. Parties will be asked to identify those who will be attending an in-person hearing to enable those arrangements to be made.

Mask wearing is strongly recommended for those attending Court, particularly where physical distancing is not possible or if the individual is immunocompromised or at high-risk.  

Masks will continue to be made available to Court users.

Physical distancing is strongly recommended where possible. Conventional courtroom and jury room arrangements for all hearings and jury trials are now in place. 

Up to date vaccination is also strongly recommended.


Please contact the media team for any queries in relation to media access.


Please contact the Registry Services team or the Probate Office to discuss alternatives to in-person attendance or to make an appointment. The Registry Services team and Probate Office can be contacted on 03 8600 2000.


Read about opening hours and online access.

Published on 07 February 2023