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Statement of the Former Chief Justice the Hon Marilyn Warren AC QC

Chief Justice Anne Ferguson has kindly provided me with her public statement in relation to the outcome of an investigation into sexual harassment by a former judge of the Court. I wholly support the statement of Chief Justice Ferguson.

I am deeply sorry that these two women were subject to behaviour of this kind.

While, properly, I have not been privy to the reports themselves, the statement makes clear the terrible impact of this behaviour which they should never have had to endure. Sexual harassment is vile, abhorrent and intolerable behaviour.

I applaud these women who are an inspiration to all. They encourage us all to reflect on how we can prevent this behaviour.

All enquiries to  zrqvn@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@aidem

Published on 17 February 2022