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Regional VCE Legal Studies students will meet and hear from judges of the Court

On Thursday 18 May, the Supreme Court of Victoria will host an online event for regional VCE Legal Studies students to meet and hear from two Supreme Court judges.

This Q&A style online event will give regional Victorian students the opportunity to have their questions about the Supreme Court answered by judges of the Court. Justice Champion, and Justice Forbes will be speaking at the event. The judges will speak about their work in the Common Law and Criminal Divisions.

The Q&A style event will take place on Thursday 18 May, from 9.15am – 10am. Regional VCE Legal Studies teachers can book via rqhpngvba@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@noitacude

This event is part of Victorian Law Week 2023.

Published on 27 April 2023