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  1. Keynote address at the National Wellness for Law Forum 2024 on 15 February by the Hon. Chief Justice Ferguson.

  2. Launch of the Victorian Chapter of Pride in Law, Supreme Court Library, Address of the Hon. Chief Justice Ferguson Thursday, 18 May 2023

  3. Remarks by the Hon. Chief Justice Ferguson at the ceremonial sitting of the Court of Appeal at the Bendigo Law Courts on Wednesday, 5 April 2023.

  4. Address by the Hon. Chief Justice Ferguson at the Law Institute of Victoria’s ‘Essential Briefing on the State of the Profession’ on Wednesday, 22 March 2023.

  5. Bendigo Law Courts Opening Address of the Hon. Chief Justice Ferguson on Friday, 24 February 2023.

  6. Address of the Hon. Chief Justice Anne Ferguson at the 2022 Australian Bar Association Conference on 29 April 2022 at the State Library of Victoria.

  7. Remarks of the Hon. Chief Justice Anne Ferguson on the occasion of an admission ceremony in the Banco Court on Tuesday, 12 April 2022.

  8. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Anne Ferguson, today addressed a Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) ‘Essential Briefing for the Profession’ online event.

  9. Monash University Law Review annual dinner address by the Hon. Chief Justice Anne Ferguson

  10. Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference opening address by Chief Justice Anne Ferguson.

  11. Sir Zelman Cowen Address by Chief Justice Anne Ferguson at the Melbourne University Law Review annual dinner.

  12. Keynote address by Chief Justice Anne Ferguson at an International Bar Association seminar, Melbourne.

  13. Keynote address by the Honourable Anne Ferguson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria at the Wellness for Law Forum 2019, Melbourne