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Principles for managing children in the custody of the Supreme Court.

Statement of Purpose

This protocol applies to matters heard by the Supreme Court of Victoria ('the Supreme Court') involving a child accused who appears in the criminal trial division or a child applicant or respondent who appears in the criminal appeal division.

The Supreme Court recognises the rights of children and the obligations it has under the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006, and adopts the following practices and procedures in the management of a child accused or child applicants or respondents during their time in its custody.

In its management of these children in its custody, the Supreme Court is guided by the general principle that it should take reasonable and necessary steps to ensure that children are not exposed to avoidable intimidation, humiliation and distress and that they are assisted to effectively participate in proceedings before the court. The Court acknowledges that particularised in-court procedures may be needed to make the age appropriate and possible adjustments will be considered by the Court in each case.

Whilst many of the in-court procedures used in the Children's Court will serve as an appropriate guide, it must also be recognised that the Supreme Court does not have the same purpose built facilities as the Children's Court.

This protocol is strictly confined to matters heard in the Supreme Court.

Download a Word or PDF version of the full protocol below.