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It has been the practice of the Supreme Court that the Judges of the Supreme Court amend Chapter I of the Rules of the Supreme Court to alter the Scale of Costs in Appendices A and B so as to provide for an annual increase in scale costs. 

The Chief Justice has approved the issue of the following notice

Supreme Court, Chapter I, Appendices A and B deferral of annual increase in Scale costs

It has been the practice of the Supreme Court that the Judges of the Supreme Court amend Chapter I of the Rules of the Supreme Court to alter the Scale of Costs in Appendices A and B so as to provide for an annual increase in scale costs. Appendix A deals with solicitors and barristers scale costs. Appendix B deals with expenses for witnesses and allowances for interpreters. It has been the practice for the Rules providing for the increase to commence on 1 January the following year.

The Council of Judges considered proposed amendments to the Rules to provide for an annual increase at its recent meeting. The Council determined that further information and consideration was necessary before a decision could be made. As a consequence, the proposal to amend the Rules in relation to the Scale of Costs has been deferred to the next meeting of the Council of Judges in 2021.

Accordingly, the scale of fees and charges in Appendices A and B for work done in relation to matters in the Supreme Court will remain at their current levels beyond 1 January 2021 and until they are amended by the Council of Judges.

Vivienne Macgillivray
Executive Associate to the Chief Justice
4 December 2020

Supreme Court of Victoria
Supreme Court of Victoria
Date of publication