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RedCrest and RedCrest-Probate will be unavailable between 1am and 12pm on Sunday 28 July 2024 due to scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Group proceeding brought on behalf of those who purchased or leased a vehicle from a dealer under finance arranged by the dealer, and paid premiums for add-on insurance products. The claim alleges the add-on insurance offered in this way was not suitable, incurred group members unnecessary costs and was based on incomplete information about personal circumstances. By allegedly representing that the add-on insurance was a precondition of finance, the claim alleges the defendants engaged in conduct which was misleading or deceptive, and that the receipt and retention of the payments was unjustly enriching and comprised unconscionable conduct.

If you have received an email, text message or letter with details on how to register or opt out of this group proceeding, you have been identified as a potential group member. 


Please note that the deadline to register or opt out has now passed.

If you are, or you think that you may be a group member, you should read the documents below carefully. 

The Notice (a copy of which is below) contains important information about your rights to: 

(1) register your claim in the proceeding; or 
(2) opt out of the proceeding.

In summary, if you fall within the definition of a group member, you have three options:

  • If you want to be eligible to claim money if there is a settlement before the trial, you must register your claim in accordance with the Notice by 4:00pm on 18 June 2024 (AEST).
    To register, you must either:
    • complete the online registration form with Maurice Blackburn Lawyers; or
    • complete the registration form in Attachment A of the Notice and submit by email or post to the address for Maurice Blackburn stated on the form. 
      For further information on how to register, please refer to Option 1 on page 4 of the Notice below.
  • If you do not want your rights determined by the class action you must opt out by 4:00pm on 18 June 2024 (AEST).
    To opt out, you must either:
    • complete the online opt out notice; or
    • complete the opt out notice in Attachment B of the Notice and return via email or post to the address on the notice for the Registry of the Supreme Court of Victoria. 
      For further information about opting out, please refer to Option 2 on pages 4 and 5 of the Notice below.
  • If you do nothing, you will remain a group member in the class action but you will not be eligible to claim any money if there is a settlement before the trial, unless the Court makes a further order. 

The definition of a “group member” is set out in the Notice.

Notice to Group Members – Registration and Opt Out
Orders of Delany J (12 March 2024) – Registration and Opt Out
Further Orders of Delany J (27 March 2024)

Registration documents
Registration Form (online) for you to submit via Maurice Blackburn's website; or
Registration Form (PDF) download, complete and submit by email or post to Maurice Blackburn

Opt Out documents
Opt Out Notice (online) for you to submit via this link; or
Opt Out Notice (PDF) download, complete and submit by email or post to the Supreme Court of Victoria

Soft Class Closure Ruling made by the Honourable Justice Delany on 27 February 2024 ([2024] VSC 65) in the AAI Limited Group Proceeding (Class Action)

Supreme Court of Victoria
Date of publication

Group Costs Order Ruling made by the Honourable Justice Stynes on 8 August 2023 ([2023] VSC 465) in the AAI Limited Group Proceeding (Class Action)

Reply filed by the Plaintiff on 17 December 2021 in the AAI Limited Group Proceeding (Class Action)

Supreme Court of Victoria
Date of publication

Defence filed by the Defendants on 17 November 2021 in the AAI Limited Group Proceeding (Class Action)

Supreme Court of Victoria
Date of publication

Further Amended Statement of Claim filed by the Plaintiff on 18 October 2021 in the AAI Limited Group Proceeding (Class Action)

Supreme Court of Victoria
Date of publication

Funding Information Summary Statement filed on 25 March 2024 in the AAI Limited Group Proceeding (Class Action)

Supreme Court of Victoria
Date of publication

Group Proceeding Summary Statement filed on 25 March 2024 in the AAI Limited Group Proceeding (Class Action)

Supreme Court of Victoria
Date of publication