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Practice Note SC CL 3 (Second revision) sets out the types of proceedings which should be initiated in this List and provides information concerning their management.

Proceedings involving dust-related conditions should be initiated in the Dust Diseases List (see Practice Note SC CL 2 (Second revision).

If the primary cause of action against the defendant is an intentional tort, the proceeding should be initiated in the Major Torts List (see Practice Note SC CL 4 (First revision)).

Aside from dust diseases, personal injury proceedings in which the cause of action arose in regional Victoria or where the majority of witnesses or parties reside in regional Victoria should be initiated in the Civil Circuit List (see Practice Note SC CL 1 (Second revision)).

Judges in charge

The Honourable Justice Forbes
The Honourable Justice O'Meara

Associate judge

The Honourable Associate Justice Irving

Judicial registrar


Self-represented litigants will find useful information about the Court's processes in the Representing Yourself pages.

A team of lawyers assists the judicial officers with the management of proceedings in the List. They perform a range of tasks including: review of pleadings and other material; assessment of proposed consent orders; preparation of matters ahead of hearings; and liaison with the Profession.

Directions will be given for the management of a proceeding in the List at a First Directions Hearing. The Court will contact the parties after the filing of the first defence, and no summons for directions is necessary. At or shortly after the First Directions Hearing, a trial date for the proceeding will be fixed. Parties are encouraged to seek consent orders 'on the papers' concerning the trial date and interlocutory timetable. Requests for such orders are to be made using the Request for Consent Orders First Directions form.

All interlocutory applications (including applications to adjourn or vacate the trial date) should be made on summons in accordance with Practice Note SC CL 3 (Second revision).

All proceedings will be listed for a Post Mediation Directions Hearing two to three weeks after the date mediation has been ordered to have occurred, and a Final Directions Hearing approximately four weeks before the trial date will be listed to confirm readiness for trial. Attendance at these directions hearings is compulsory and requests for adjournments will only be granted in extraordinary circumstances.

All persons appearing at directions hearings must have a good working knowledge of the matter and be in a position to advise the Court on its progress and readiness for trial. It is the Court's expectation that the practitioner with the conduct of the file, or a person sufficiently briefed such that all questions from the bench can be addressed, will appear at the Final Directions Hearing. Non-admitted persons are required to seek leave to appear prior to the date of any hearing by way of the List email address below.

The Common Law Division has introduced a 'Fast-Track Pilot' case management procedure for single defendant, quantum only motor vehicle accident proceedings where the parties have engaged in pre-litigation alternative dispute resolution processes pursuant to the Transport Accident Act Common Law Protocols.

The Fast Track Pilot commenced on 1 January 2019 and is aimed at expediting the hearing and determination of such matters. For eligibility criteria and case management procedures, see the Notice to Profession - Fast Track Pilot - Motor Vehicle Accident Damages Proceedings.

Parties are reminded of the requirement to order transcript for trials and should consider the requirements for ordering transcript contained in Practice Note SC GEN 7 Transcript in Civil Proceedings (Second revision).


Date of judgment

Judgments and judgment summaries

23 June 2021

Muller v Klosed Pty Ltd & Ors [2021] VSC 360

Assessment of damages.

25 February 2021 Acciarito v Anthony Parcel Services Pty Ltd [2021] VSC 78
11 February 2021 Da Costa v Bitu-Mill [2021] VSC 48
1 February 2021 Marks v Skydive Holdings Pty Ltd [2021] VSC 21
22 January 2021 O'Connell v Witham; TAC v Inroads Pty Ltd [2021] VSC 8
13 October 2020 Coughlan v United Precast (Vic) Pty Ltd [2020] VSC 671
9 July 2020 Tomasevic v State of Victoria [2020] VSC 415
19 June 2020 Braam v BBC Hardware Ltd [2020] VSCA 164
10 June 2020 Vlaming v von Marburg [2020] VSC 340
4 June 2020 Schembri v State of Victoria (Department of Human Services Victoria) (ABN 93 785 850 801) [2020] VSCA 145
20 February 2020

Baehnisch v G4S Australia Pty Limited & Anor (Ruling No 1) [2020] VSC 64

Application to dispense with a jury. Relevant principles examined and order made for trial by judge alone. No one particular issue gave rise to ‘special reason’ or ‘good cause’ but rather the totality of the circumstances.

20 February 2020

Keegan v Auscool Airconditioning & Mechanical Services Pty Ltd (Ruling No 1) [2020] VSC 61

Unsuccessful late application by Plaintiff to vacate trial on grounds case not properly prepared. Relevant principles considered including limits on a party’s ability to reformulate a claim during a proceeding.

17 December 2019 Boxell & Ors v Peninsula Health [2019] VSC 830
25 October 2019 State of Victoria v Thompson [2019] VSCA 237
15 October 2019 Di Falco v Emirates (No 2) [2019] VSC 654
22 May 2019 Taseska v Carus & Anor [2019] VSC 342
18 August 2017 Fafoutellis v The Blockage Bloke Pty Ltd & Ors [2017] VSC 480
20 July 2017 Pierides v Monash Health [2017] VSC 426
24 May 2017 Ramadge v Northern Health & Ors [2017] VSC 281
21 December 2016 Mitchell v LaTrobe Regional Hospital [2016] VSCA 342
20 December 2016 VWA v Downer Utilities Australia Pty Ltd [2016] VSC 775
19 December 2016 Khodr v G4S Custodial Services Pty Ltd [2016] VSC 800 (Costs Ruling)

General enquiries in relation to the Personal Injuries List should be directed to  crefbany.vawhevrf@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@seirujni.lanosrep .

Parties are reminded that any correspondence with the Court must be sent simultaneously to all other parties and must be confined to uncontroversial matters. For further information about communication with the Court, see para 6 of Practice Note SC Gen 4 Custom and Protocol.